Saturday 10 May 2014

Eurovision '14

This year's line up for Eurovision was rather strange, as far as I'm of an opinion.

There was just so much quality. 

I'm not exactly used to that when it comes to this yearly show - that makes the perfect drinking game companion, for those if us that cant get through it without alcohol's aid - so it startled me when the majority of the contestants were wonderful. 

I don't usually have favourites and I'm almost always in agreement with the winners each year but this year was pretty special and I go to bed a little more pleased that Conchita Wurst won this year. Her song was powerful, the promise to give her all and more fulfilled, and her song resounded in many. That she won the competition means a lot, to the queer community in Europe the most I imagine, as well as sending out a positive message of acceptance. 

Of course, I'm not such an idealist that if think this was it, no more discrimination, but it was refreshing as well as touching to witness, to join with America drafting the first openly gay player to the Rams.

Its all progress and progress should be celebrated!

Going back to Eurovision though, I will express one disappointment and thats Moustache scoring only 2 points. Its such a catchy silly song I enjoyed listening to, its sad it scored so shockingly low. (Poland beat it, which I'm still uncomfortable watching ugh)

At least Montenegro did better, I guess. Moj Svijet was a beautiful song.


.... Moustache should have been in the top five damn it.